Thursday, September 24, 2009

My New Life

I don't even know where to start. The past few weeks have truly taken my breath away in so many ways.

Titus & I were married on Labor Day weekend, 2009, in Estes Park, CO. My dream wedding, truly. We were surrounded by our parents, siblings, and their families. It was a small and intimate wedding. The outdoor chapel at the YMCA provided the perfect backdrop for our ceremony. The weather was cloudy and overcast - perfect! I was hoping it wouldn't be too sunny and hot for the day...and the clouds helped with the pictures, too. Truly a wonderful day.

We then took two days to spend time in Estes at a resort right on the river. We enjoyed a couple days relaxing and enjoying the mountains before we began our trek back to Bridgeport. God blessed me with a job right before the wedding, so Titus and I both headed to work the Wed. after we were married.

My job in town is with the dentist. I run the front office. My fears of starting a new job and being overwhelmed were quickly eased. After just a few short weeks, I feel very confident in what I'm doing and love my job! Interaction with the public on a daily basis keeps me connected to people. And I am always doing something. I love being busy and filling my days. And finacially, I can't believe how God has blessed me! But the best part has to be the fact that I am going to Hawaii with my job. It is for the National ADA convention and I will be attending classes along with some R&R and team building. What a treat!
Titus and I have both been blown away at how God has been working in our lives this past year. Neither of us can believe how far we've come in 365 days...but God knew all along. We are so thankful. I am so unbelievably thankful for a husband who is humble before God and prays dilligently for our marriage. I am convinced that God listens to his prayers and Titus' heart is open to what God wants to say and do in our lives.
Life here in Bridgeport is good. Different, but good. We are loving it. Just a great place for us to be right now. I hope to share more as I have a chance...and get some pictures up, but life is busy, as usual, so those things will come in time!