This year my husbands teachers all brought in a sweet home made treat of some sort to give to the rest of the staff. I mean everyone did this. We had home made yeast rolls (AMAZING), jam, banana bread, and on and on. So, of course, my husband said, what can you make for me to take in? To which I said, "Really?" I am so not the bandwagon type, and this felt an awful lot like a band wagon everyone was jumping on. Everything in me wanted to resist. Then I realized, this is one of the things we love about this school. Everyone is like family and sharing their love at Christmas with one another. So I decided, I'd keep it simple and not try to compete with the yummy home baked goods that were filling my kitchen. Instead, I did my two favorite Christmas treats: Candy Coated Pretzels (not pictured) and Peppermint Kiss Pretzel Wreaths (shown below).
All the ingredients you need. Simple. |
Ready to go in the oven. 250 degrees until soft. |
Peppermint Pretzel Wreaths cooling. |
This is about as crafty as I get. Treat bags. Ribbon. Done. |