It has been a big year for me. I think back to where I was and what I was doing last Thanksgiving. I feel like I've lived a lifetime since then. A year ago I was in a relationship that was not right for me, our church still was in the process of looking for a lead pastor, I was about 30 lbs over weight, my relationship with God was on the back burner. I'm sure I can think of many other things going on in my life this time last year that are now drastically different.
This year, this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many things.
I am thankful that God has loved me and brought me through heartache. I am thankful for the time I had to experience the joy before the heartache.
I am thankful that our God brought us a wonderful lead pastor, and that God has sustained our church through two really tough years.
I am thankful that God has provided for me each and every month, and even provided above and beyond my expectations at times.
I am thankful that this Thanksgiving I get to meet my cousin's new little boy - Carter Bruce.
I am thankful for new friendship God has brought my way...and the many, many, continued friendships.
I am thankful for Adrienne, I don't know how I would have gotten through the past six months without her. God has blessed my life through her in so many countless ways.
I am thankful for a better understanding of health and a more disciplined lifestyle.
I am thankful for my parents - what shining examples in so many ways...of love, marriage, parenting, healthy lifestyles, blessing their family in countless ways, 60 years of life...i could go on and on...they are amazing people.
I am thankful for a new sister-in-law and a "little" brother of whom I am so proud.
I am thankful for a sister who is my best friend, her husband who supports her, and my three nieces who make my feel like the proudest Aunt Sarah ever!
While there are still some big struggles in my life, God has shown me this past year that we can get through anything together. I am most thankful for Him and His continued love.