Thursday, February 25, 2010

Six Month Observations

As I close in on six months of marriage, there are a few things that I have observed about myself and my marriage this past half-year. Allow me to share a few.

1.) My husband is the most PATIENT man ever. Period.

2.) All the books I read about relationships and marriage and all the conversations with married friends didn't even scratch the surface on preparing me to live a man.

3.) Secretly, there is a part of me that enjoys making dinners and keeping a home. I just won't admit it yet.

4.) I didn't realize how selfish I can be until I married.

5.) Managing the family calendar is much harder than managing the church calendar.

6.) There is no one on this earth I would rather go on a car ride with than my husband.

7.) The enemy is at work to drive a wedge in our marriage. Prayer and reading the Word is the best weapon against this action.

8.) As much as I want to be, I cannot be a perfect wife.

9.) I will keep working at supporting my husband even when I'm at a loss for where to begin.

10.) Being in the arms of my husband is my favorite way to say good night.

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