Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I cannot help myself

My family always jokes about how I like to organize.  My husbands family now likes to joke about how I like to organize.  It is true.  I cannot help myself.  To me, there is much comfort and security in organizing my world.

For example, I meal plan.  Each week or so I sit down, take stock of what I have in the freezer and pantry and plan meals based on what I have.  This allows me to use up food before it spoils and keeps my grocery bills lower.  Plus, I know that come dinner time, I have something ready to go and I don't have to worry all day about what I'm going to make when I get home.  Security. Plain and simple.

Now does this mean that if my husband calls me wanting to take me out to dinner I'm not flexible?  Well, actually sometime it does throw me for a loop.  How sad is that?  Sometimes I cannot see beyond my secure organized world to enjoy a spontaneous night with my husband.  But, usually, he reminds me that it is more important to connect with each other and that we don't eat out but once a month anyway.  I do love that man!

But while I do like things organized and like knowing what I'm making for dinner and what house hold task I will accomplish each night, I must constantly remind myself, or have my husband remind me, that this life is about so much more than organization and security.

Jesus did not call us to live a comfortable and organized and safe life.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  And when I have stepped out of the comfort and allowed for some chaos in my world, that is when I have had the most wonderful adventures with my Savior and my family.  While I do believe order honors God, I do not believe it should take the place of listening to Him and being willing to have MY plans flex with what HE is doing around me.

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