Thursday, May 10, 2012

Checking Out

I have now been married to an educator through three spring seasons.  There is no doubt about it; no matter where you are, if you are connected to education in some way, April and May are pretty much a blur.  I honestly remember spring break being last week, not two months ago.  And April?  Where did that go?  My time spent in WI for my nieces confirmation seems like a distant memory.

And don't even get me started on May.  It is May 10th.  Ten days into the month and I'm still thinking it should be April.  There are only four days left at my husband's school.  That's it!  Then, it's office hours for him to wrap up the year and start working on the fall.

Teachers, administrators, students, parents, everyone is at a point where they are feverishly working to hold those final events, finish up those final projects, and make sure all their necessary jobs are finished up before the  end of the school year, which, like I said, is less than a week away.

So, we have pretty much checked out for the last month.  And, I pray, we will check back in soon.  A trip to the mountains sounds pretty darn good right now.  We'll see if we can swing that sometime in the next few weeks. But if not, maybe just a day sitting on the porch, drinking tea, watching the cows, and walking with the dog along the creek will have to work to recharge our batteries.

Until then, we remember that our lives are run by seasons.  And this season will soon come to a close.

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