Monday, June 30, 2008

Why Beautifully Surrendered?

Many years ago I was introduced to the band Mute Math. They quickly became one of my favorite groups to listen to, and not just because of their music. More than anything, I am in love with their lyrics. So many of the songs have lyrics that just speak to my heart. I immediately latched on to a lyric in the song Control: "surrender has somehow become so beautiful..." For some reason, that line stuck me, and has every time I listen to the song.

I began thinking about surrender and what negativity it often carries. But I realized, that in the Christian life, surrender is what we do. We surrender our lives to a God who loves us, knows us better than we know ourselves, and wants the best for us. This is rarely an easy thing to do - at least for me. I like to think that I know what would be best for me and be in control of my life. But in giving up control, I find that God's plans are better than I could have ever imagined.

Thinking back on the lyric of the Mute Math song, I decided to see how the dictionary defines the words "surrender" and "beautiful". Below is what I found.

"BEAUTIFUL": having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind.

"SURRENDER": To give up in favor of another.

And that sums up what I want my life to be about. Having the qualities that give pleasure and satisfaction to my Jesus as I give up my ideas for the future in favor of what he has in store.

I want to be beautifully surrendered.

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