I braved the roads this morning to make it to the office. I was soaked before I even got to my car from my apartment building. My hair fell flat against my face, weighed down by big, fat, white snowflakes. My snow boots (yes, I wore boots) kept my feet nice and toasty warm and dry. But in true Sarah fashion, I didn't put my coat and gloves on - although they were with me in my car.
But now, I am back home. I made a nice yummy pot of creamy potato soup, put on my warm jammies, and snuggled up on the couch with my laptop. Believe it or not, I have done some work - what I can do remotely. But mostly I'm just glad I don't have to be out in this weather right now.
Tomorrow is another day. And I will have to brave the streets to go sit with Marie. But, as always in Colorado, we'll just have to wait and see what the morning brings.
I live in an apartment building with an enclosed courtyard so the snow piles up without the wind to blow it around. Check out the table and benches...my guess - about 2 feet of snow.
The view from outside my bedroom window.
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