Woo Hoo! 100 posts on my blog. For some that might not be a big deal. But for this gal, it's a pretty cool thing! I love that I've come to this place 99 other times to post pics, thoughts, and goings-on in my life! My only regret is that I don't have a set up to be more consistent. Maybe that will change in the near future. We can hope anyway, right?
We spent last week on the road and enjoying a great vacation with the kiddos. I will post more on that later once I get a chance to snag some photos off the camera and get somewhere I can upload them! In the mean time, let me share our exciting last couple of days.
Sunday night we were driving home from picking up the kids and heading back to the Panhandle. Just outside of North Platte we saw lighting and clouds up ahead. It looked like a good rain storm. As we got closer and passed by North Platte, we realized that this was a severe storm. We turned on the radio, and sure enough, all the towns we were approaching were under a tornado warning and being told to take shelter. A little freaked out, I pulled an illegal manuever with the car and flipped a U-turn on the interstate and headed back to North Platte. We hustled into the gas station and met an incredibly nice attendant who let us look at her computer for the radar of the storm and park our car out of the way of any hail and camp out in the gas station / Taco Bell until the storm passed. Thankfully the storm went south faster than east and North Platte missed the worst of it and we were back on the road with only an hour delay. The clouds and sunset following the storm were stunning.
Our second encouter with severe weather happened last night. We took the kids to Scottsbluff to print off vacation pictures for a scrapbook and see the movie Marmaduke. While we were watching the previews for the movie the lights in our theatre came on and a manager came in and said that a tornado had been spotted just outside of town and the sirens were going off. We all were ushered in to the hall and they shut down all the lights in the whole complex. Curiosity got the best of us and we wandered toward the front door. The hail, which we could hear hitting the building, and rain and wind made it impossible to see anything out side. Literally, we could not even see the sidewalk right outside the door. We feared the worst for our car. After about 20 minutes the all clear was given. We found our way out to our car to find that it is only slightly dimpled from the hail. Praise God! We watched as the storm headed toward our home town. I called ahead and talked with a friend. As we were on the phone they were heading to a tornado shelter. I could hear the sirens going off through the phone. We decided to stay in Scottsbluff a bit longer and let the storm get through where we were headed. We prayed for safety for all in our town. Thank the Lord everyone and everything is alright today.
Best we can see, the most damage was done in Scottsbluff. Our town, our home, our other car, all seem to be o.k. Our second brush with severe weather and it's only the 2nd week of June. I think it could be a long summer if this keeps up!
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