Thursday, September 24, 2009

My New Life

I don't even know where to start. The past few weeks have truly taken my breath away in so many ways.

Titus & I were married on Labor Day weekend, 2009, in Estes Park, CO. My dream wedding, truly. We were surrounded by our parents, siblings, and their families. It was a small and intimate wedding. The outdoor chapel at the YMCA provided the perfect backdrop for our ceremony. The weather was cloudy and overcast - perfect! I was hoping it wouldn't be too sunny and hot for the day...and the clouds helped with the pictures, too. Truly a wonderful day.

We then took two days to spend time in Estes at a resort right on the river. We enjoyed a couple days relaxing and enjoying the mountains before we began our trek back to Bridgeport. God blessed me with a job right before the wedding, so Titus and I both headed to work the Wed. after we were married.

My job in town is with the dentist. I run the front office. My fears of starting a new job and being overwhelmed were quickly eased. After just a few short weeks, I feel very confident in what I'm doing and love my job! Interaction with the public on a daily basis keeps me connected to people. And I am always doing something. I love being busy and filling my days. And finacially, I can't believe how God has blessed me! But the best part has to be the fact that I am going to Hawaii with my job. It is for the National ADA convention and I will be attending classes along with some R&R and team building. What a treat!
Titus and I have both been blown away at how God has been working in our lives this past year. Neither of us can believe how far we've come in 365 days...but God knew all along. We are so thankful. I am so unbelievably thankful for a husband who is humble before God and prays dilligently for our marriage. I am convinced that God listens to his prayers and Titus' heart is open to what God wants to say and do in our lives.
Life here in Bridgeport is good. Different, but good. We are loving it. Just a great place for us to be right now. I hope to share more as I have a chance...and get some pictures up, but life is busy, as usual, so those things will come in time!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bittersweet Transition

This past weekend I moved all my belongings, minus a suitcase of clothes, to Bridgeport, Nebraska. It was a strange sight to see all my possessions I've accumulated over the past four years sitting in boxes and loaded into the back of a trailer in less than an hour. My cozy little home now barren and waiting for the next resident.

After a three hour drive on Saturday morning, it took 30 minutes to unload all these same boxes and furniture into our new home in Nebraska. And four and a half hours later, everything was set up and our little home took on new life.

It really is a great little house. Two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen, dining room, a large family room and office downstairs and a utility room with washer and dryer. And the best of all - a clothes line out back. I love it!

Before the move, Titus felt like he was a wanderer with no real home for the past several months. I promised to make him a home in Nebraska. And I feel I was able to do that this past weekend...or at least a great start.

I can see my life with him there. I can see us coming home after work and eating dinner together. Or relaxing and watching a movie downstairs. I can see my jeans hanging out on the clothes line. And serving dinner to new friends in our dining room. As we drove around town to show my parents Bridgeport, I could see us living here, thriving here.

But all the excitement and adventure of the new place doesn't take away all the sadness of leaving Broomfield. I have grown up here. Thirty one years of memories have been made here. And the last seven years of working for the church have changed my life and my faith in so many ways. This place has become more than a job to is family. And in a month I am moving away from all my family to be with the many of my future.

Truly, bittersweet.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stress? What stress?

Well, this week I realized that maybe I'm not handling the stress of this transition as well as I had thought. Monday morning I awoke to painful welts on the right side of my shoulder and back. By the end of the day they had little blisters inside the rash and overnight I was in pain and achy and sick. Between my self-diagnosis and mom's obsession with Google, we realized I am dealing with shingles. Ahh - the ultimate sign of stress in ones life.

But just what do I have to be stressed about? I don't feel overwhelmingly stressed, at least not all the time. There are SO MANY good things going on in my life. The stress is not over bad things - just stress over the amount of good things going on.

Titus and I have been blessed by his new job in Bridgeport, NE. It is a great opportunity for us to get right-side up financially and a fresh start for our new marriage. We fell in love with the town the first time we saw it and know that God will use us and bless us there.

In the course of 8 weeks here's what all is going to happen:
1.) move my apartment to NE at the end of July so Titus has a home to live in during August.
2.) move the rest of my stuff to my parent's for me while I live with them during August.
3.) potentially sell Titus' KS house and pack up everything there.
4.) find a new house in Norton, KS and move our KS belongings to that house.
5.) plan our wedding
6.) Titus starts his new job August 1st.
7.) I will transition out of my job at Colorado Ridge
8.) I am looking for a new job in Bridgeport.
9.) all the details of the parenting plan will be worked out for Titus and the kids' mom

I think that's the bulk of it. So yeah - I guess it's a little bit hectic...but like I said - it's all good stuff. There is just so much good stuff going on!

My life has almost always been busy. In fact, I prefer it that way. But even someone who thrives on the busy reaches their max, and I think I'm pretty close to that limit.

7 weeks to go. I think I can handle that.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh, the changes, they are a coming!

I sit here on this Saturday morning, digesting the many long conversations I've been having in the past couple of days. My entire world as I know it is about to change in the next two months. And I never thought I'd get excited at the prospect of moving to Nebraska, leaving the job I love at the church, or moving three hours away from my home town. But I am more than excited, I'm ready!

Starting this weekend and into this upcoming week, I will be packing up my apartment. My goal is to have everything boxed and stacked by the time we get ready to load the trailer on the 31st of July. Yes, the cattle trailer will once again be used to move my stuff to a new location. I will spend the first weekend of August getting our little house in Bridgeport set up with all my goods from my apartment here so that Titus is set up for the month he will live there alone before our wedding...I will be spending that month before our wedding in my parents basement.

As for the wedding, things are coming along well. I have decided to have my amazing friend, Amanda, sew the dresses for the girls. The pattern is selected and we go Monday to find the material. My goal is to have them made and mailed by the end of the month so that the WI girls can try them all on to make sure they fit and give us time to make adjustments if necessary. But my to-do list is getting smaller and I feel much more confident after pricing food and putting together a budget.

But the job...that's the one area of change I'm the least sure about. I am leaving a job that I have loved for seven years. I have been through some of the best and worst experiences of my life at this church. And the thought of leaving my job - not to mention the church - is something I haven't let myself think about too much. There is too much to do to transition out that I can't think about how much I'm going to miss the people and the work. Right now, I have no idea what and when I will start working in Bridgeport. I am confident God will provide something for me...I am praying for that now.

All these changes that are coming can be a bit overwhelming at times. But I continue on day-by-day doing what I need to do and preparing for all the changes that are coming in the next eight weeks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching Up

I have been severely slacking on posting blogs and pics in the past couple of months. I'm blaming it on my boyfriend...and the fact that we've been busy traveling to find him a new job, getting engaged, family reunions, and all my family around. We are now gearing up for the craziness that will come over the next couple of months.

Yesterday we went to Bridgeport, NE to find a house. While we are not going to buy a house right away, we decided to rent. In Bridgeport - there is literally only one house to rent. So, we are going for it. I will post pictures as soon as I can...but it is a small two-bedroom house about 750 square feet. Tiny to be sure...but our first home together. And the best news is that we can go month-to-month until we get our feet under ourselves and figure out what we want to buy.

The plans for the wedding are coming along...and my dress is here! I will try it on tonight and see if it fits! I'm so excited. It is starting to become real.

I will share much more over the next week or so...but it is all going to happen fast in the next two months. Praise GOD that He has provided for us every step of the way.

My Engagement Story

So many people have been wondering just when I would get engaged. This past week, Titus asked me to marry him. With tears in my eyes I said, "Of Course!" Here's how it happened...

Every year my sister and her husband and three girls come out for a week in CO. This year, it fell right after the big family reunion and Titus had his two kids out here as well. His two kids and my three nieces all hit it off great and were fast friends. On Monday Titus took my niece Aimee, and his daughter Madi (both age 10) to the mall to pick up my ring. That's when the planning started.

On Thursday we had our traditional day in the mountains. We went to the Alluvial Fan in RMNP like usual. Titus asked my mom if she could watch the kids while we went for a walk. We climbed up some rocks until we reached a large rock right next to the water fall. I looked down and saw my dad with the video camera. Titus tried to distract me by kissing me. It worked! When I looked back down this i what I saw:

Each of the five kids holding up a sign reading: Sarah Will You Marry Me?

I started crying. Titus got on one knee, took the ring box out of his pocket and asked me to marry him. My response was "Of Course!"

It was the most perfect proposal I could have imagined. Private and yet involving his kids and my family. I only wish my brother could have been there to celebrate with us!

We will be celebrating our the beginning of our marriage surrounded by our immediately family in a private wedding in September.

Thanks to all of you for your love and support!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Bird

I was please to see the other day when I opened my door that there is a bird nesting in the tree in our court yard. I have a front-row seat to seeing the bird sitting on her eggs and, when the babies hatch, watching them in the nest. Should be a fun spring!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Julian Drive coming in Concert

Julian Drive has shared the stage with bands like Rush of Fools, David Crowder Band, Newsong, Big Daddy Weave, Day of Fire and a host of others.

Producer Lynn Nichols declared, "Julian Drive's music represents the heartland of America in style, and the heart of God in spirit. The unique style of their music is a product of Julian Drive's blend of all their musical and spiritual influences."

Join us as welcome them in concert for one night only!

$5 at the door.
Wedensday, April 15th
960 W. 124th Ave, D800, Westminster, CO 80234

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

There's Still a little Cowgirl in me...

Last night I helped feed the cows. My dad and neighbor rent about 80 acres from Boulder County and run about 30 cows and put up hay each year. This time of year we start having babies and as of last night, 19 calves were running around kicking up their heels. We used the neighbors new tractor to pull the flatbed of hay bales. Dad climbs on back and I drive the tractor in "granny-gear". This is where I first learned to drive a stick shift. Not on this tractor, obviously, but my dad's old green and white GMC truck when I was 16 years old. I learned how to slowly let the clutch out and push down on the gas without killing the engine. This fancy new tractor made my job so much easier. I was so excited, I had dad take a picture of me in the cab of the tractor. I enjoy getting out there once in a while still and helping dad with the cows. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thanks for the Tickets!

No zoom required. Check out the view from our seats at the Avs game last night. Thanks to Pete & Tia for the tickets! We had a great time...even if the Avs lost 7-2!

Just another Snow Day...

So - I have been saying for over a week that we were due for a snow storm. Many people (o.k..maybe just one guy from Kansas) didn't quite believe me until I told him we were getting dumped on today. I think it has more to do with his desire to come to CO this weekend to see me than it does with his actually doubting me. Because even though this storm may be out of here still has to pass through Kansas before he can get out here.

I braved the roads this morning to make it to the office. I was soaked before I even got to my car from my apartment building. My hair fell flat against my face, weighed down by big, fat, white snowflakes. My snow boots (yes, I wore boots) kept my feet nice and toasty warm and dry. But in true Sarah fashion, I didn't put my coat and gloves on - although they were with me in my car.

But now, I am back home. I made a nice yummy pot of creamy potato soup, put on my warm jammies, and snuggled up on the couch with my laptop. Believe it or not, I have done some work - what I can do remotely. But mostly I'm just glad I don't have to be out in this weather right now.

Tomorrow is another day. And I will have to brave the streets to go sit with Marie. But, as always in Colorado, we'll just have to wait and see what the morning brings.

I live in an apartment building with an enclosed courtyard so the snow piles up without the wind to blow it around. Check out the table and guess - about 2 feet of snow.

The view from outside my bedroom window.

Friday, March 20, 2009

God at the Movies returns April 19th!

For as long as I've attended Colorado Ridge Church, I remember the series God at the Movies. We all watch movies - I know I do as often as I can - and I love seeing how these movies can be used to share part of God's story with mankind. And this year, I am very excited. I have seen two of the three movies already - and I'm excited to watch the third movie. I would encourage you that if you are within driving distance, you should come and check out this great series. And if you are not - at least check out these movies.

Here's how we are marketing the series at church!

Let's face it, we watch movies all the time. But did you ever think that God could be saying something to you through them? Come experience movies in a new way - it might just change the way you view God.

In this three-week series we will look at:
Peaceful Warrior starring Nick Nolte
Henry Poole is Here starring Luke Wilson
Dark Knight starring Heath Ledger

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pics from our trip to Boulder

With the Sleepytime Bear at Celestial Seasonings Factory tour.

In the gift shop after the tour.

Titus & Dad outside the Leanin Tree museum.

Titus and I on the donkey in the museum sculpture garden.

Kissing my man.

Ride 'em Cowboy!

All of us huddled in for a pic!

I am so blessed

It's been about a month since Titus and I have officially been dating. And it has been an absolutely amazing month. Every day, I am more impressed with him than I was the day before. Every conversation confirms what others saw long before I did. This man loves God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength; and he loves others as he loves himself.

We met through E-Harmony last August. By mid-september we were communicating regularly and talking on the phone several times a week. Then in mid-october Titus made his first trip to Colorado. I knew immediately that we would get along. But I wasn't interested in anything other than friendship at first. Titus had a very difficult 2008. His wife of 10 years left him and his world was turned upside down as he realized that the divorce was a reality and he would only be able to see his children five days a month. I was cautious, but after five months prayer, friendship and faithful pursuing on his part, I realized this man really was ready to move on. He is the most impressive man I have ever met. His heart is humbled before God in a way I have rarely seen before. God has brought him through a most difficult experience and he is a better man for it.

Our future together excites me. I cannot wait to meet his children and see him interact with them as only a father can. There are very big logisitcal issues that have to be resolved as we work to discover where our future is going to lead us, but we know the God we serve is bigger than any of out obstacles.

As part of our Rebuilding series at church, Ryan spoke a few weeks ago. He talked about overcoming obstacles in our lives. Titus and I can both relate to that in our lives the past couple of years. And God has brought us through. Ryan asked the question, "Which is bigger? Your God or your obstacle? Your faith or the situation?" Titus and I both believe in a God who is bigger than any obstacle we may face. He has brought us this far together and we are confident He will work out all the details that are yet to come.

I am so blessed. I have a God who loves me beyond comprehension and a man He gave me to care for me on this earth. I have a family who supports me in every thing, every day. A church full of people who care for me. And a group of girlfriends who are my biggest cheerleaders in my life. What more could I ask for?

Monday, February 16, 2009

My weekend in Natoma

This weekend I was part of one of those annoying couples that usually drive me crazy. You know the one I'm talking about. The couple who hold hands over the table while waiting for their food or steal kisses walking down the street. Yep, that was me. And it took me somewhat by surprise.

When I met Titus last fall, I knew he was a special man. Over the past five months he has been pursued me faithfully and I have fallen the man he is and desires God to continue to help him become. There were so many things about him that continued to impress me, that even though I didn't immediately feel that "spark", I knew I couldn't just walk away either. So when we planned for me to take this trip back to visit him and see him at work and meet his friends, I was excited and nervous at the possibilities. It somewhat felt like a make-it or break-it weekend.

Thursday night I pulled into Plainville, KS to meet Titus for dinner. I was nervous and anxious as I got closer. But as soon as I saw him and got out of my car, all of those fears melted away. Now, not only do I have the attraction to the man, I have the "spark" I was looking for. I feel as if I had blinders on so that I would fall for Titus and now those blinders have been taken off and the physical attraction is the icing on the cake.

We continue to pray that God is at work in our relationship. There are many logistics that have to still be figured out. But we are confident that God has everything in His hands and we will continue moving forward and trusting Him.

Titus hard at work at his desk in the morning.

Then I took over his desk in the afternoon to get some work done.

Titus coaching his J.V. basketball boys on Friday night.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Bit Overwhelmed

At the moment I am feeling just a bit overwhelmed from the last week. Overwhelmed in a really good way. I have so many things I want to write about...but haven't had a chance to talk them out first. So, I wait, thoughts spinning in my head.

I have always read just about everything I can get my hands on when it comes to relationships. And last week I watched a program on the science of attraction. I was very intrigued, and want to write something about that.

Then Saturday we had a retreat at church for women. I could not take notes fast enough, and had a couple of conversations that day that may very well be a turning point or if nothing less a defining moment in my life...and I want to share more about that.

But for right now, I will leave with this. I am still convinced that great new things are coming my way this year and I am very excited to share them as they begin to develop.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Saturday Afternoon

So, today I sit with Marie once again. She is an elderly woman with whom I sit a couple times a month. It gives me good time to read, catch up on work, news, and my blogs. And today, I am trying to figure out what the next few months will be like for me. I am trying to figure out my budget.

This is always a stressful exercise for me. I know it is necessary, but it is something that always frustrates me that I have to go through this alone. Math was never my specialty...I can do it - but it takes so much energy for me. As I sit here and list my expenses and try to make sure everything balances, I wish I could fast-forward 12 months and see the improvement that I know will come. But it is a slow process, month-by-month, to see the positive changes in my finances.

I cannot deny that even though things are tight, and I'm not sure what all is going to come the next few months, I am confident in one thing. God has always taken care of me. So, even when I get frustrated or worrisome, I know that ultimately God will provide.

So, now, I will stop distracting myself with all the fun things to do online, and get back to the hard work before me...math, blah...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Season

The past few weeks I've tried to decide if I had anything worth sharing in a blog. I guess the answer was always no. I've felt very spiritually dry the past month. I think December did me in more than I realized. And the start of a new year has been good in that way. But I've felt like I've been spinning my wheels until this past week.

There are some very cool things going on in my life right now, and I feel like I'm making that turn toward a new season in my life. First off, I have found a renewed joy and calling to my job at the church. There isn't anywhere else I could see myself right now. God is doing some amazing things in our midst, and I am thrilled to be here to witness them. But we are also looking to start a Sunday night service, which I would love! And I get to be a driving force behind that. The thought completely terrifies and excites me all at the same time.

Secondly, I have a relationship in my life that is teaching me so much about patience, and God's goodness to me. My time with this person has grown my faith in leaps and bounds. I know prayer is just a phone call away when I need it. Or if I need to vent or cry or rejoice, he is the first person I call. I should just put the number on speed dial.

And finally, I feel like I have moved on from the pain and hurt from last year...or I guess more accurately, I'm moving on. I am shocked at how long this has taken. And I'm still scared to rush into anything new too fast. But for the first time in about 6 months I feel like I'm making steps forward. And that is a good feeling.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I lived in my cool Broncos shirt

Happy New Year! This morning I sit on my couch, the TV squawking in the background. I have taken more time off to relax in the past five days than I have probably all year. It started Christmas Eve night. After a wonderful Christmas in a Stable, I realized I could finally relax and release the tension I had felt for the many, many weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. I spent the next three days sleeping and enjoying conversation with my family and good friend TC. There were a couple of nights that we "kids" stayed up till the early hours of the morning, talking about everything important, and even the frivolous things in our lives.

I learned how important it is to take the time to forget about everything else and spend time with those I love the most. And take care of myself. Catch up on sleep, relax, enjoy good times and good food. But I must admit, I am anxious to get back to work and start the new year. But it was great to live in my Broncos t-shirt and yoga pants for a few days.

Momma, Sarah, & Cody

This was Cody's idea.

Casie, TC, Sarah & Cody....late Christmas night